An Abundance of Stars ~ Star Fruit: A Winter Harvest

Star Fruit-3It hardly feels like winter here in SW Florida with temperatures in the 80’s, but all that can change and probably will. For now, I will soak and bathe in its healing sunshine and not complain.

Star Fruit

Our Star Fruit (Carambola) tree is loaded with its winter bounty. Daily, Ron brings me a bucket full of this tropical fruit so named for its star like shape. This is one of those fruits that is hard to give away because people don’t know what to do with it except use it as a garnish for a salad, cheese and cracker tray, etc. Native to Java and Southeast Asia, Star Fruit is grown in Taiwan, Malaysia, the Caribbean, Hawaii, and Florida.

Adding to the daily picking was a lovely home grown pineapple.

I have learned that by cutting the ribs off of each of the five sides of the fruit, it eliminates the concentration of oxalic acid that causes a puckery-tart taste. Fruit that isn’t quite ripe works well in preserves and chutneys while ripe fruit works well in everything including cold Star Fruit Soup. The soup is refreshing and the waxy fruit does not have to be skinned, just seeded.

Cold Star Fruit Soup

2 and 1/2 pounds of star fruit, sliced and seeds removed
1/2 cup of orange juice
1 tsp. finely grated orange rind
1/2  cup Marsala or other wine
1/2 cup sugar
3 tbs. cornstarch
Lemon peel for garnish

Place all ingredients into a blender or food processor. Puree thoroughly. Pour fruit mixture into a heavy medium-sized saucepan. Bring to a slow boil, then lower the heat. Simmer and stir soup for about 8-10 minutes, until clear and slightly thickened. Remove to refrigerator and chill until ready to serve. Serve in chilled clear glass bowls. Garnish each serving with a strip of lemon peel.

Although this recipe calls for adding peaches, I have used all star fruit and added more sugar to taste. Nice company soup.

Star Fruit-2

All photos courtesy of Ron Mayhew.

About travelerlynne

Traveler. Writer. Retired Educator.Traveling on and off the beaten path with my photographer husband. Volunteering locally as well as in Haiti and Tanzania, an enriching and humbling experience. A sun lover! Shelling, boating, fishing and watching sunsets. Growing mango, banana, key lime,and pineapple.Making smoothies and chutneys. Enjoying family and friends! Savoring each new day!
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44 Responses to An Abundance of Stars ~ Star Fruit: A Winter Harvest

  1. Lynn Sarda says:

    Very pretty…

    Sent from my iPad

  2. adinparadise says:

    Sounds really delicious. 😃

  3. Looks like I better get cooking. Want some star fruit, Sylvia?

  4. Ah! The sun is out, and you’re blessing us with bright yellow-happy star fruit and pineapple! i love to cook with starfruit, and my friends always look at me as if i’m the poor homeless woman when i ask if i can pick some of their starfruits! yes, i slice the ribs off as well; i love the aroma, and i also use them for a very unique sauce/marinade that goes well with meats or fish. saute your onions, simmer starfruit with that, add paprika, garlic – whatever, and wow, it’s fragrant and beautiful and tasty!
    yum yum yum!

    the goats got through the fence and nibbled my starfruit tree back to a nub. one of my future posts might be about a huge goat roast!


    • Yes, I’ll just spread sunshine photos everywhere…Thanks so much for the marinade suggestion.I believe anything works with garlic and onion. Oh those pesky goats. Always in places they shouldn’t be. Someday I’ll have to write about our ten years of raising dairy goats in Western NC.

  5. gwynnem says:

    Beautiful fruit! I haven’t seen these babies on trees since my Malaysia days. I’m jealous of your mild winter, but I’ll admit I’m not too jealous of Florida summers. 😉

    • Hi Gwyn. Glad the fruit brings back some memories. You being the “expert Chef”, how did you eat them? 🙂 I believe our coastal breezes help a little. Our summer temps rarely are in the 90’s for very long…not like Raleigh where our son and family live. I believe you are an Alabama girl. We lived in Montgomery for four years and it was pretty hot. I remember the clay soil.

  6. Gigi Galore says:

    Wow! If you didn’t cook it, it would either be star fruit gazpacho – or a cocktail! Nice to see you dear Lynne! 🙂

    • Thanks, Gigi. It’s good to be back. I’ll have to concoct a fruit cocktail. I believe some is fermenting in the bucket that I don’t want to do anything with. 🙂

      • Gigi Galore says:

        hehehe!!! Maybe just some sugar … and a cocktail umbrella ( a big one) and- voila! Straight from the bucket for you and Ron! 🙂

  7. letizia says:

    Thanks for the recipe! Like many of your friends, I never quite know what to do with this beautiful fruit.

  8. My pleasure. I wish I could give them away.

  9. Lynn, the star fruit is such a happy fruit and your photos are beautiful…radiating happiness. Reading this post reminded me of the movie, “You’ve Got Mail.” When Tom Hanks discovered that Meg Ryan’s favorite flowers were daisies ( in her words ‘a happy flower’), it dawned on me that the star fruit gives me the same feeling. Thanks for spreading the happiness. 🙂

  10. Your last post was on spreading the light, so in a way, I did.:) I agree about daisies…a flower filled with sunshine. Let’s all have a healthy and purposeful year ahead.

  11. restlessjo says:

    How wonderfully exotic to have a star fruit tree in your garden, Lynne. (and no goats! I’d like to hear those stories too)

  12. Thanks Jo. The garden is doing well, but this is one of the warmest winters so far. Unusual and just another sign of world wide climate problems. The goats will have to wait and to think that we didn’t take pictures at that time of our lives. No time or inclination.Maybe it’s a good thing that there is no record of me milking goats at 5:00 AM

  13. Hey!! Happy new year!! I love reading your blog and have nominated you for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award. Please check my blog for the details…

  14. Jeanette says:

    Thanks for sharing Lynne! I haven’t seen star fruit in the markets here in Côte d’Ivoire yet; but, I’ll be on the lookout because the soup sounds delicious!

  15. Madhu says:

    Love that gorgeous colour! And your recipe sounds so refreshing Lynne. Shall have to locate some starfruit, to try that out 🙂

  16. Thanks, Madhu. This is the first post I have done in quite a while. Ron’s mom passed away just before Christmas unexpectedly and we have focused our energies on those needs. But I am ready for sunshine thoughts and yellow anything is a good way to begin. If I had a field full of daisies, I would have written on that subject.

  17. vbholmes says:

    I’ve never heard of star fruit before but can see why it’s used for decoration as well as food. Look forward to trying it in the future. As always, Ron’s photos are a gorgeous compliment to your writing.

  18. Thank you VB. Yes, I agree. It is a decorative fruit, but too prolific for me.

  19. It looks beautiful, but sounds like work to me. Can it be eaten raw, or does it have to be cooked?

  20. Ron’s upbeat photos of such tropical delicacies has me longing for Bali and beyond. Please do send some Floridian warmth our way. 🙂 The recipe also sounds quite fun. We’ll have to give it a whirl.

  21. Looks like you are enjoying your winter in Germany, but I can see where a trip to Bali to get warm again would be around the corner.

  22. Jeanette says:

    Hi Lynn. Just to say a friend served me Carambola juice on Thursday. It was so delicious! As I drank it, of course, I couldn’t help but think of you and your tree. What a blessing it is!

  23. A very, very pretty fruit!

  24. eof737 says:

    I love both fruit… That plates starfruit looks so yummy. 😉

  25. Thanks, it is a handsome sunshiny looking fruit. I am finally juicing some…doesn’t even need sugar.

  26. That’s really cool, I’m going to have to try that recipe sometime.

  27. That star fruit soup sounds fabulous. And I love your photos! My sister-in-law used to make a fruit salad every Christmas with star fruits and it was perfect for the holiday. 🙂

  28. Hi Cathy. Would you believe I am still picking starfruit. This tree will not quit. I am now juicing it…which is refreshing.It would definitely make a lovely holiday salad.

  29. Kavita Joshi says:

    yumm…love the pics n recipi…thanks fpr sharing..n thanks for visiting my post

  30. Thanks for you comment and visit.:)

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